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unify | breath of life

A Free, Global Sound Healing Vocal Journey


Saturday April 1st, 9am PT

We don’t have any products to show right now.

We don’t have any products to show right now.

We don’t have any products to show right now.

We don’t have any products to show right now.

We don’t have any products to show right now.

We don’t have any products to show right now.

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Awaken, relax,
enliven and inspire.

UNITED voices for peace

Get familiar with the flavor of your inner goodness


Unlock the Power of Your Divine Instrument
Through the Practice of Musical Mindfulness

Are there areas in life where you hold back your self expression and don't allow people to see your authentic self? 

Are you tired of the judgmental, self-critical inner narrative that can run your life for days on end?

I can teach you how to use the power of music to cultivate authenticity, receptivity and genuine power in your life.

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A safe, non-judgmental space to free your soul.

Join me and our band of vocal explorers for a very unique intimate Zoom® experience.

We sing as a group, but no one else will hear you singing.  You'll hear my voice as though I was in the room with you, and after singing there will be time to share about your experience at the end.


The word on the street is...

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“There are parts of my voice and places within myself, that I have only been able to access with Rara. Presently there by my side, patiently guiding me through the storm, taking my hand and bringing me back to myself again and again.

My favourite part was when I could allow my walls down and little Phoebe and little Rara could have moments of PLAY! Freeing your voice is not your normal singing lessons - this is deep, transformative work, for you.”

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Alex’s vocal journeys have been some of the most impactful expressions and connection for me. They are deeper than the voice and I feel such a deep sense of unity and oneness with each individual present and with all of creation. The resonance of sound ripples out into my daily life. I couldn’t be more grateful for being part of these groups because they’ve guided me deeper into my own heart and sound.

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I attended one of Alex's three day vocal journeys and I was immensely impressed by his way of holding space. He does it in a way that I have rarely seen by creating a space where we feel at ease to express our feelings and emotions freely, as much as our voices.  Showing our vulnerability in this work is so much easier because he sets the example.  ​  🎶🙏

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We meet on Zoom®, I will speak for some time to orient people around the fundamentals of this practice. 


We then dive into the voice and during that time all participants will be muted.  You will be able to hear your own voice and my voice only for the duration of the journey. 


I use a very high quality audio setup so that my voice feels like it's right there in the room with you.​


Authentic Joy Is Your Birthright.

That doesn't mean that we bypass the hard stuff.  We learn to sing through the grief of loss and into a natural state of praise.


Through the gifts of a mindful, judgment free approach to singing, we will unlock the power and wonder of one of the most natural and transformative tools you have at your disposal.


Learn to tune into the genuine good nature that exists within you by softening the body, listening with spacious receptivity, and allowing the power of life to breathe you into complete surrender. 

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Together we will learn how to soften the body, listen unconditionally, allow life to breathe us into total surrender... and then sing for absolute freedom. 


If I could live my life over, this is one practice I would have had with me from the beginning.

If you've read this far, thanks! and congratulations... Come for a free vocal journey with me... I promise you won't regret it. There's no strings attached, just an opportunity to start practicing a new way of showing up for yourself!


© 2023 by Alex King-Harris

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