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for MEN

OCTOBER 7th-9th, 2022
Oasis Farm, Saltspring Island BC

"An Opportunity of a Lifetime to Heal the Past and Grow Your Capacity to be of Service to Younger Generations".
Do you Long to Heal Your Childhood Wounds?

Does the Idea of Working with Kids Excite or Overwhelm You?

Do you Feel like there's a Better Approach to Encouraging Healthy Behavior other than Punishment and Blame?


  • Address unhealthy relationships with authority

  • Learn how to build trust with any generation through curiosity and inquiry 

  • Become a service oriented support for our local communities, families and individuals

  • Find forgiveness for how we were raised, and extend forgiveness and compassion to others

The Inner Mentor Training Helps Us:


The Inner Mentor was born out of a very successful, multi-faceted youth mentorship program based on Oregon, US called "Boys to Men". 

It has now evolved into The Alliance of Generations


As a predominantly volunteer driven organization we provided a variety of programs, including high school and restorative justice “youth-elder” circles, rites of passage events, ceremonies, classes, and workshops.


The positive impacts of our work have rippled across the community since 2002. We've had almost 60 experiential weekend events around the country, mostly in Southern Oregon, with over a 1000 participants and over 100,000 volunteer hours.

Listen to This Young Man Speak about How our Programs Have Effected his Life:


I'm really excited to be bringing up two of my Boys to Men mentors Pete Young and Rod Newton.​ These guys are truly humble masters when it comes to forging a new way of relating to youth, adults and elders.  They have been at the helm of many, many amazing experiences I've had with kids and have taught me so many priceless lessons about how to be a more conscious parent, mentor and human being.

The Trainers:

Alex King-Harris first became involved with Boys to Men while learning the ropes as a step parent of a highly spirited young boy.  Alex found that his parenting tactics were useless in his attempts to get the boy to 'behave', go to school, brush his teeth, etc.


Thankfully Alex had recently relocated to Ashland, Oregon where het met Pete Young and Rod Newton, who mentored him in a way of relating to and building trust with youth that created freedom and provided structure without having to go to war each day. 


Alex spent many years training and working as a facilitator on epic Boys to Men weekends for youth ages 8-18 and also worked as a mentor in a Restorative Justice program for incarcerated youth.  That program drastically reduced the frequency of re-incarceration and taught Alex a lot about the power of building trust with youth.


Alex has also been deeply involved in men's work, and is himself an accomplished leader in the healing arts focusing mainly on music for embodiment and community building.


Pete Young, mentor and leader of men’s circles, youth restorative justice circles, young men’s rites of passage weekends, and creator of the Raven Weekend- a three day out-of-doors overnight experiential adventure which is an empowering, developmentally appropriate, personal growth opportunity for boys and girls ages 10 through 12 years of age. 


Pete has led in excess of 50 experiential weekends for men and youth. They include a men’s mentor training called the Inner Mentor, rites-of-passage weekends for young men ages 14 through 17 years, and the Raven Weekend across the U.S and in Vancouver, Canada for the past 17 years through an organization called Boys to Men Southern Oregon, which he helped to establish in 2004.  


Involved in personal growth workshops since 1998, Pete has led 30 plus 2 month long weekly men's integration groups with an organization called the Mankind Project. 

Pete has led family mediations through an organization called Mediation Works, and volunteered in a Restorative Justice program for 15 years. The program assists adjudicated juvenile offenders understand the harm they have caused, and prepares them for a face-to-face meeting with the community members they have harmed.  


Pete is currently very passionate about a restorative justice process he created where a youth meets with 3 adults for 2 hours to discuss life and choices made.  The youth is provided a safe and non-judgmental environment to acknowledge the harm that has been done, looking through the lense of empathy for the victim. We explore the youth’s life, looking beyond the youth’s behaviors to the underlying challenges, seeking to find the youth's inner strengths, and then imagining the youth succeeding (often) beyond the youth’s ability to imagine his own success.  The youth light up in this process, leaving with new hope and heads held high. Men often comment on how they are renewed by this opportunity to support young men in their community via a healthy and vital process.

For the past 50 years, Rod Newton has explored the best teachings and practices in the human potential movement, holistic healing, and consciousness studies. His passion is synthesizing what he's learned into courses and coaching practices to assist clients and students in transforming their lives.


These days, he make sure to prioritize the things that matter most — his spiritual quest, family and friends, time in nature, and self-care, while maintaining a limited practice in what he loves to offer—personal coaching sessions, mentoring for coaches and consciousness teachers, teaching occasional courses, and creating written educational materials and guided imagery recordings. -- Rod Newton

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Building Trust through Inquiry, Reflection and Emotional Transparency:

Our mentors are trained to offer a high quality of presence - the skill of “listening to connect” with genuine curiosity, and a sense of wonder and adventure. We ask open-ended questions in a way that deepens an understanding of self. We encourage youth to speak their truth and we teach adults to respectfully receive that truth, looking beyond behaviors, suspending critical judgments that arise, looking instead to the youth’s underlying unmet needs that are at the root of the behaviors.​

Watch this High School Teacher Describe the Benefits of our Mentorship Program:

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These are exciting times to deepen our relationships with each other and create more peace within and between the generations.


There are many ways to volunteer that fit your skills and time. Our vision is expanding and you can have a rewarding place in that for yourself, while enhancing others' lives.


We support a culture of restorative justice rather than an approach that punishes or blames someone.

Are you ready to awaken your inner mentor?

© 2023 by Alex King-Harris

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